浓稠如蚕丝绵密质地的保湿液具有很好的保湿补水效果,可深度給水并平衡油脂分泌、舒缓肌肤,适用任何何肌肤,即使是敏感的肌肤也适用,內含维他命原B5、 天然浓缩胺基酸,可长时间持续让肌肤获得保湿滋润并细致毛孔,绽放剔透光泽,温柔镇静和滋润肌肤,令肌肤清爽细滑。植物精华有效愈合受损皮肤,并具洁肤、保湿、舒缓可作为急救型保湿面膜使用,四效合一。
Revive dull, dry skin with Erno Laszlo Hydraphel Skin Supplement, a hydrating toner that helps to calm and support skin while deeply moisturizing.
Free from alcohol, the silky solution sweeps effortlessly across the face, dissolving flakes and aging skin cells that can cause unwanted dullness. Enriched with a host of beneficial, nutrient-rich ingredients sourced from nature, it combines antioxidant Provitamin B5 with Comfrey Root and Glycerin to soothe sensitive skin while attracting and locking in moisture to promote a radiant glow.
After use, skin feels refreshed, revived and comforted.
Free from phthalates, petrolatum, sulfates and mineral oil.